Sunday, December 09, 2007

Just So Unsure

This blog is just a way for me to vent. It does not matter if my readers know what I am talking about nor if they give me advice, what matters is if they just listen and nod their heads.
How do you know what to do when you come to a crossroad in life? What do you do when your heart and gut tells you to go left and everyone else is telling you to go right?
I believe in life you can be on more then one path at a time. I have been on many and a lot of them I do not want to be on anymore. I am done with the drama, I am done with being an adolescent. I want to be married, I want to be with my husband, I want Ben and I to be like a family, I want to find my niche.
Well, I have a lot on my mind that I need to figure out and it sucks that I need to do it alone. However, thanks for listening and most of all thanks for nodding your heading and saying it's okay.


Morah Wasserberg said...

Dare I ask?

Mine's said...

Nope you do not dare!!!

Silbs said...

You know what Yogi said: When you come to a fork in the road, take it.